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Managing IDE cable

I describe in the following way up the cable, but the fact that the cable-This cable (rounded cable) has been sold many, but usually cost twice the price of standard cable ATA 66/100. The condition of the cable is wrapped in a pitch by a protective plastic, makes it look good small, and easily moved. But, why should pay twice if we can still use the cable-cable standard?

In the following, we will show how to arrange the two-cable IDE cable so that the space in the casing not regular that appear to be clean, and also to make the cable-the cable is easily folded, and of course to increase the flow of air through the casing.

To do this job in some of the equipment needed as follows:
- Electrical Tape
- Optional: Zip Ties
- Optional: Razor blade / Utility Knife / Exact-o knife

How to summarize the first in / fold the IDE cable does not require cutting at all. Maybe you do not get cable so that compact, but if you want to restore the cable to the original situation, it is very easy

First step is to fold half the IDE cable. Then fold back the second flat cable edge before folding with the first that has been established, so that you will get a 3 fold, each part of the same length. Now proceed with the string bending bending the cable to one before. Then, taping, starting from the closest connector with electrical tape or use a zip tie, followed up on all the length of the cable. Give taping distance of about 2 inch. Now it can be seen that the standard IDE cable only occupy a small space, so it's easier to bend and collapse.

Next, clustering discounted earlier to one, ranging from the outside, to the most in. As before, plaster already integrates a cable that, starting from the close to one of the connector-connector-it, followed the next connector, the length of each strap is approximately 2 cm.

now you have the IDE cable reels! Appear more organized and easy in buckling, and will reduce tangling casing in an air flow retardation. We suggest doing it on your computer.

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